Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Process Essay / Persuasive Essay

Choose only ONE of the following prompts to write about

Process essay:
Americans love recreational activities, especially those that in some way relax us, bring us together, or develop a skill. Whether its perfecting your golf swing or planning the perfect dinner party, we tend to make the most of the activities we enjoy. But for many of us, these pastimes are also ritualized, done in very specific and detailed ways. Remove some component from these activities, and its often just not the same. For this essay you will explore the "process" by which one American recreational activity takes place, walking your reader through all aspects of the experience. For example, what is the process involved in the perfect Super Bowl party, an afternoon at the beach, or a trip abroad? In your analysis, consider the steps involved in this pastime, including time requirements (how long does it take and when?), accessories (which materials are required?), and sequence (what is the order in which this activity happens?), as well as why each aspect is important. Feel free to use any of the recreational texts we read in class to supplement your essay.

Persuasive essay:
If the so-called "Great Recession" has illustrated anything, its been the increasing economic inequality present in contemporary American society. In recent years, we've not only seen the wealthy get wealthier and the poor got poorer, but the middle class increasingly contracting. Traditionally, the middle class has been the class of the American Dream. The nuclear family, suburbia, and upward mobility are all tenants of the American middle class, and yet, recent years has seen a sharp decline in their financial stability. They are now plagued by high debt, foreclosures, and unemployment. Should this trend continue, what might a future America without a middle classslook like? What would be the consequences of an America made up of mostly rich and poor, with few in between? In a persuasive essay, argue for the preservation of the middle class. Persuade your reader that the middle class must be  preserved and why.

  • MLA format, including parenthetical citation 
  • 2.5 pages minimum
Due: Thursday, Dec. 9th

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