Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Class Canceled AGAIN: Thursday, Nov. 18th.

I'm really sorry, but I'm still down for the count with this cold, so I'll have to cancel yet again. I truly hate to miss so much class, but we can still get done what needs to get done.


1. Email me your final drafts by this Friday at midnight. I know ALL of you are done with the essay now, but just in case, this'll give you more time to work on them. ;) Also, I'll try something different and give you comments by email.

2. If you signed up for tomorrow for presentations, pick another date even if all the slots are taken. Sorry about this!

Email me with any other questions.

Have a good week. Stay healthy! See you on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week 13: Social Class in America

People say that money is not the key to happiness,
but I always figured if you have enough money, you 
can have a key made.
—Joan Rivers

Tu 11.16
Class canceled

Th 11.18
Read: CR—“Bienvenidos a Newport Beach” by Firoozeh Dumas, “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara, “Transients in Paradise” by Aimee Liu; ALL—p. 127-191; “For Richer” by Paul Krugman, “Growing Up Rich: How It Shapes Identity”; ALL—p. 192-249
In-class: Reading discussion; Presentations; Preview—Extra-credit essay
Due: Editorial essay (Final draft; Attach draft 1) 


If, for whatever reason, you have not yet presented, pick a date and leave your name, topic, and section number in the comments section below. 

First come, first served. All names must be in by midnight on Wednesday the 17th.

Remaining Presentation Schedule

Th 11.18

Tu 11.23

Tu 11.30

Th 12.2

Th 12.9

Monday, November 15, 2010

Class Canceled: Tuesday, November 16

I need to cancel class for tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Two quick points:

1) Turn your editorials in on Thursday as planned, though you must still attach a first and final draft.

2) later tonight, I'll post an agenda for Thursday and next week. I'll also include a calender of the remaining sessions open for presentations, if you have not yet presented (for whatever reason), pick a date and leave your name, topic, and section number in the comments section. First come, first served.