Thursday, September 23, 2010

Journal 3: About the Birds and the Bees

In 2010, a great debate still rages in America over just how, or even if, sex education should be taught to teenagers. There are those that believe sex education programs should be comprehensive in range, including information presented in a straightforward and honest manner. While others believe that abstinence-only programs should be the basis of any sex education curricula. Given that sex information is so vital during the teen years, what do you believe should (and should not) be included in a sex education program? What should be the role of abstinence? Birth control? Masturbation? STDs? Homosexuality? Abortion? And when is the appropriate time for a sex education course? Is high school, as some argue, too late? How should Americans tackle sex education in our schools?

Include at least two of the following pieces in your discussion:
  • "Why Birth Control Isn't Taught in Some Sex Ed" (CBS News)
  • "Follow Doctor's Orders: Sex Education is a Must!" (
  • "New Sex Education Data Released" (Washington Post)
  • "Sex Education in America: An NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School Poll " (NPR)
    Articles are located in the eR.

    Due: Tuesday, Sept. 28th

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