Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 8: Gender in America

Walk like a man, talk like a man
Walk like a man, my son
No woman's worth crawlin' on the earth
So walk like a man, my son

—The Four Seasons, "Walk Like a Man" (1963)
Tu 10.12
Read: CR—“Pushing Away the Plate” by Min Jin Lee, “Being a Man” by Paul Theroux, “Faking It” by Michael Chabon, “The Problem with Boys” by Tom Chiarella; GUY—p. 217-265
In-Class: Reading discussion
Note: This class should be attended by women only.

Th 10.14
In-Class: Reading discussion; Preview—Expository essay; Lecture—“Gender on Film”

Tu 10.19
Read: CR-“Rooster at the Hitchin' Post” by David Sedaris, “Pruning Generations” by David Mas Masumoto; eR—“The Missing Parents Bureau” from This American Life (2001)
In-Class: Watch—Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son about His Father (2008)

Th 10.21
Read: CR—“This Blessed House” by Jhumpa Lahiri, “Terwilliger Bunts One” by Annie Dillard
In-Class: Reading discussion; Presentations; Writer’s workshop
Due: Expository essay (Draft 1; Bring 4 copies) 

1 comment:

  1. I cant find "Being a man" by Paul Theroux in the it under a different section?
