Monday, September 13, 2010

Comparative Analysis Essay

How do the ways in which we are born in America differ from the ways in which we die in America? What do the two milestones share and what do they contain that is unique? And what do these practices reveal about us as a nation? For example, what do they illustrate about our national values, priorities, and traditions? In a concise essay, compare and contrast birth and death in America. Cite specific evidence from at least four of the articles in the "Life and Death" section of the reader, plus “Business of Death” from This American Life in the eR.

  • MLA Style, including parenthetical citation
  • Cite from at least four of the articles in the "Life and Death" section of the reader, plus the eR:
    • “His Sperm, My Choice” by Alicia Montgomery
    • “Margaret, and mystery” by Rick Bragg
    • “Delivering Lily” by Phillip Lopate
    • “The Love of My Life” by Cheryl Strayed
    • “On Being a Cripple” by Nancy Mairs
    • “Findings and Impressions” by Stellar Kim
    • “His Wide Mouth Home” by J. Augustine Wetta, o.s.b.
    • “Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain” by Jessica Miford
    • “Business of Death” from This American Life (eR)
  • 2.5-page minimum
    The best papers will:
    • Stay within the parameters of the prompt
    • Have a concise thesis
    • Clearly support their thesis with solid evidence, highlighting similarities and differences in the ways we are born and die
    • Properly cite evidence using MLA's parenthetical citation method
    • Conclude with a summation of your points
    • Be in proper MLA Style

      Due: Thursday, Sept. 16th

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