Friday, November 12, 2010

Editorial Essay

Dating in America today would likely best be described as casual. Gone are the days of chaperones, courting, and waiting for sex until marriage. Today, Americans compete for mates in a dating scene that is largely ambiguous. In a world of He's Just Not That Into You and speed dating, a sense of informality often guides people's behavior. On the one hand, Americans can now navigate dating waters free of stiff formalities and an early expectation of commitment. On the other hand, a dating scene with no rules can be confusing and might cheapen the experience of finding a mate. What is your take on contemporary American dating? Should the country return to more formal dating practices or should we relish the idea of no-strings-attached relationships? Citing from the readings in the relationship section of the reader, write a concise editorial describing your ideal dating scene and what we, as Americans, would gain from it.

To guide your writing:
  • Keep in mind, that an editorial is a form of persuasive writing; your goal is to persuade your reader of your opinion.
  • Your editorial's "voice" can be more casual than a formal essay, but it shouldn't be so casual that it undermines your argument.
  • Be very clear on your position; just like an expository essay, state your position early, then cite evidence to support it. Also, stating personal opinions in editorials is appropriate.
  • Use any persuasive techniques you think will be affective, including the use of statistics and humor.
Sample editorials:
  • MLA format, including parenthetical citation 
  • 2.5 pages minimum
Due: Tuesday, November16th (Draft 1; Bring three copies)

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