Monday, October 25, 2010

Journal 5: We are Family

We are currently in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. This so-called "Great Recession" has taken a great toll on American families, who've seen their standard of living lowered considerably. In a time when families have had to make serious cuts, everything from retirement to vacations to college is on the table. How has your family adapted to these economic times? What has been the impact of the faltering economy on the dynamics of your own family?

Include at least two of the following pieces in your discussion:
  • "Families are Trimming Plans to Pay for College, Survey Finds" (Washington Post)
  • "More Dads at Home Playing Mr. Mom" (Chicago Sun-Times)
  • "Feeding the Recession's Youngest Victims" (CBS News)
  • "How Do People Make Ends Meet?" (24/7 Wall Street)

Articles are located in the eR.

Due: Thursday. Oct. 28th

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