Tuesday, September 7, 2010

U.S. Smoking Rate Hasn't Changed, CDC Says

One in five Americans lights up regularly. If all states had prevention programs like those in California and Utah, 5 million fewer people would be smoking, the agency says.


Sorry for the late notice, but my son woke up sick this monring. No class today for sections 5 and 20. I'll update schedule later today.

See you soon.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Journal 2: Matters of Life and Death

As Americans, we understand that in certain situations there are often unspoken "rules" which we must follow. What are these rules during pregnancy and birth and when a person dies? For example, do you tell expecting parents that you don't like the name they've chosen for their child? Or after someone has lost a loved one, is it okay to say they've "gone to a better place?" How do Americans learn these rules, both implicit and explicit? And are we still following etiquette for these situations? For instance, how many of us think to cook food for the family of the deceased? Finally, as Americans, in general, move away from old traditions, what will become of the dos and don'ts surrounding life and death? Are these rules worth holing on to?


  • MLA format (See Writing Resources for MLA format guidelines)
  • 2 full pages
Due: Thursday, Sept. 9th

Week 3: Life and Death in America

Pray God you can cope.
I stand outside this woman's work,
This woman's world.
Ooh, it's hard on the man,
Now his part is over.
Now starts the craft of the father.

—Kate Bush, "This Woman's Work" (1988)

Tu 9.7

Th 9.9
Read: GUY—p. 1-43
In-Class: Diagnostic essay
Due: Journal 2

1. The readers will not be ready until early next week.
2. The presentations scheduled for Thursday the 9th will be done on Tuesday the 14th



Tu 9.14
Read: CR—CR—“Margaret, and mystery” by Rick Bragg, “Delivering Lily” by Phillip Lopate, “The Love of My Life” by Cheryl Strayed, “On Being a Cripple” by Nancy Mairs; eR—“Business of Death” from This American Life (1997)
In-Class: Reading discussion; Presentations; Preview—Comparative analysis essay; Watch—The Business of Being Born (2008)

Th 9.16
Read: CR—“Findings and Impressions” by Stellar Kim, “Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain” by Jessica Miford
In-Class: Reading discussion; Presentations
Due: Comparative analysis essay