Saturday, October 16, 2010

Expository Essay

Guyland is the world in which young men live. It is both a stage of life, a liminal undefined time span between adolescence and adulthood that can often stretch for a decade or more, and a place, or, rather, a bunch of places where guys gather to be guys with each other, unhassled by the demands of parents, girlfriends, jobs, kids, and the other nuisances of adult life. In this topsy-turvy, Peter-Pan mindset, young men shirk the responsibilities of manhood and remain fixated on the trappings of boyhood, while the boys they still are struggle heroically to prove that they are real men despite all the evidence to the contrary.

—Michael Kimmel,
Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men

Write a well-developed essay in which you 1) explain the meaning of the passage, referring to specific ideas and phrases; and 2) drawing on your own personal experiences, observations, and readings, discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the passage.

  • MLA format, including parenthetical citation
  • 2.5-page minimum
The best papers:
  • Stay within the parameters of the subject matter
  • Have a concise thesis which clearly outlines a position
  • Clearly support the thesis with solid evidence and a logical structure, citing specific ideas and phrases
  • Conclude with a summation of the argument
  • Properly cite evidence using MLA's parenthetical citation method
  • Are in compliance with MLA Style
Due: Thursday, Oct. 21 (Draft 1; Bring three copies)

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